

Introduction to the college

With more than 60 years history, Vocational and Technical College of Anshun is a full-time public vocational college approved by the Peoples Government of Guizhou Province and registered in the Ministry of education. The college is located in the city of Anshun, in the central part of Guizhou province, owning typical karst landforms. It enjoys the reputation of "the home to the waterfalls", "the culture of Tunpu and the Batik" and the beauty of the west of Guizhou. It is the fast and convenient area of the province's transportation. The scenic spots cover more than 12% areas of the city. Anshun is the earliest open city for tourism, the excellent tourism city, the most beautiful city and one of the top ten leisure cities with Chinese characteristics. There are two first batch national-class 5A tourist areas--Huangguoshu Waterfalls and Dragon Palace, seven national 4A tourist areas.

Following the principles and policies of the Party and the state, Vocational and Technical College of Anshun shoulders the responsibility of serving the economic and social development and highlights on moral education and cultivatingpeople. It has insisted on development concept of modern vocational education----the integration of production and education, the cooperation between college and enterprise, the combination of work and study, and the unity of knowledge and action. Promoting the reform of talent-training model, the college has been striving to build six major groups with over 40 majors, covering all-for-one tourism, modern agriculture, information industry, machinery manufacturing industry, trade logistics and health medicine. Now the college has seven departments---Applied Medicine Department, Nursing Department, Department of Economics&Management, Tourism Department, Agriculture Engineering Department, Information Engineering Department, Modern Engineering Department and a Public Course Teaching Department, with 500 outstanding faculty members, among them are professors and associate professors, engineers and skillful masters,and talents with PhD and Master Degrees. Investing heavil in the construction of practical training rooms and bases, the college has set up the 98th Vocational Skills Testing Institute and has possessed 19 national and provincial training bases, such as Provincial Training Base for Highly Skilled Talents and Provincial Tourism Open Training Base. It has built VR collaborative innovation center, 3D printing creative center, smart agriculture demonstration park, with altogether 162 training rooms on campus, and 139 off-campus training bases in enterprises such as Alibaba Group, Foxconn Group, and Huangguoshu Tourism Group. The value of practical training equipment reached more than 130 million yuan. At present, there are 14000 students and the graduates employment rate is steadily above 95%.

Facing the new requirements of the 13th Five-Year Plan, the college has been upholding the idea of "campus in industrial park, industrial park on campus, co-development of Industry and education". On the basis of the old campus which covers more than 260 Mu , it selected and requisitioned 1200 mu of land in the Xixiu Industrial Park of Anshun which is near the national new district-Gui'an. With the concept of "green environmental protection and open wisdom", after three years' effort, it has completed the construction of campus buildings reaching more than 400,000 squares. More than 14000 faculty and students have moved in.


With the promotion of Urban Agglomeration Construction in Central Guizhou, which takes Gui'an New District as the Core Area and "One Core, One Circle, Four Belts, Five Centres and Multiple Points" as the conception, Anshun will become an important growth pole of it. With the comprehensive implementation of the strategies of "124" in Anshun, all-for-one tourism, military and civilian integration, large health medicine industry and modern characteristic agriculture in mountainous areas, which will provide broad space and stage for the college to serve the economic transformation, structural adjustment, industrial upgrading, poverty alleviation and human resources quality improvement. In 2017, the college was successfully declared to be the construction unit of high-quality vocational colleges in Guizhou Province. It will build a first-class modern vocational and technical college in Guizhou Province, ushering in a newer, better and stronger tomorrow.

                              Contact US

College Address: Vocational and Technical College of Anshun , Xixiu Industrial Park, Anshun City, Guizhou Province, China

Telephone: 86-(0) 851-38127825



地址:广东省东莞市清溪镇青滨东路128号1号楼104室   电话:38107768  粤ICP备2021112405号

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